Traveling through Brazil
Ana Carolina Pinheiro
Making a website containing places where people can go visit including information they would need to travel.

About the project
My goal is to make a website about places people can visit. On my website I will apply regions from Brazil that are interesting and people would enjoy traveling to these places to relax and have fun. This website reflects a lot of my personal interest because I love traveling and I hope one day I can visit all countries around the world. This website contains a lot of my creativity because it will have a lot of pictures, videos, maps, so it is basically more about the visual aspects. My goal is to make a website containing places where people can go visit including information they would need to travel.
My goal is a SMART goal because it is very specific and I used a lot of verbs that made my goal more advanced. In some way, the goal is clear and clarified. Also, my goal is appropriate because it corresponds to a Global Context that relates to the project which is Personal and Cultural Expression, where it talks about the world’s interaction with individuals and the culture and wonders of each place.
In this project, I will not have too many complications on doing the website because I already had some experience on designing a website in my Design class in 9th grade. However, This year I am going to do my website much more advanced from the one I did in 9th grade because I will use tools that are much more challenging in which it was not in my level before (layout, usability, accessibility, security, etc). Also, in this website it will take more time and dedication on building the whole website with the futures I want which is maps, restaurants, hotels, prices, etc. The project also contains a lot of research on every single region I will add because of the information of each place. Lastly, I will not only be researching and taking time on my website design, I will also be learning many other skills to improve and make the website way more professional.
For starting the project, there are things I need to set as priorities for example, talk to my supervisor (Grisell Ortega), research about the places people can visit, and get back to practicing making a website so I can be more experienced and have everything constructed (like a draft).
In order to know what regions of Brazil are the coolest and which one I am going to add, there will take a lot of time researching because I want to make these choices precisely which is neither too much nor too little, my research is all in Google and in traveling books because this is where it is used to have good information about this places from Brazil. I am also taking care of what website I am using to take the information so I know the information is not fake or edited by someone who does not know about the topic. In order to make my website, i decided to work on a site called Wix, a free website builder that needs no coding skills needed in order to create a professional looking website. I choose to use Wix because the website contains easy elements to add in my site and by that it does not stress me. Also, I’ve been using Wix since the very first time in Design, so I already know how to perfectly design my website. However, even though I already know how to command Wix, it doesn’t mean that I know everything, so during the process of my website I will be learning more things to do in there and challenge myself more and more.