Global contexts direct learning towards independent and shared inquiry into our common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet. Using the world as the broadest context for learning, MYP projects can develop meaningful explorations of one of the global contexts explained below.
Students may consider the following questions as they choose a global context through which to focus their project.
What do I want to achieve through my personal project?
What do I want others to understand through my work?
What impact do I want my project to have?
How can a specific context give greater purpose to my project?
When organizing fundraising campaigns or events for an organization, students will explore the challenges that the organization address, such as pollution, climate change, endangered species, health, education, housing, food, human rights, minority rights, immigration, culture, arts, communication. Therefore, the global context for the project will often be determined by the organization’s cause. The choice of the global context will significantly shift the perspective of the MYP project.