Nutrition and exercise
Pedro Almeida
Investigating methods to work and help people with their alimentation and how to improve their focus on having a healthy life.

About the project
Healthy is something that everybody should care about and give enough importance to. My point of doing a project about nutrition is to help people to accomplish a way to be more healthy and dedicated to their food. I also chose this topic because I want it to help people around me to be healthier, based on my list of exercises and how to have healthy food I improved a lot my body and the way I see how important this theme is.
My Goal
My goal is to develop a great project about how nutrition is important to our health, I chose this topic because it is what I think could be important for people to know how important it is to have a healthy life.I think I could change human mentality about the topic, based on my goal my challenge is learn more about nutrition, and how someone could be adapted to a diet and body development.
Smart Goal
As a smart goal I have all assignments developed through the weeks in passing classes. Also being dedicated and interested to help people’s minds. In my point of view my global context chosen is fairness and development, It’s related to my goal because nutrition takes developing in the alimentation also in your body change and you need to be fair complying with your regulated diet and exercise every day.
Global Context
At my prior and subject-specific knowledge I found it interesting because it is dedicated to discovering new methods to have body health, and making a great diet that will not affect your psychology and mind. I also mentioned my interest about nutrition and what I’m going to do to help people with healthy problems. My global context is related to fairness and development. The connection between them is: nutrition takes developing in the alimentation also in your body change and you need to be fair complying with your regulated diet and exercise every day.
Subject-specific knowledge
I think nutrition affects your physical and mental wellness, and following a healthy diet can lead to positive changes in your everyday life. If you use the “no time” excuse to avoid worrying about nutrition, this may actually be your solution.