Making mythology modern - a book
Nike Gastañanga
My goal is to write a story based on existing legends and reintroduce it into the modern world.

About the project
My choice of personal project seems simple at first, to write a short story, but i wanted to add a level of difficulty to it so i decided to use some of my personal interests and add them onto it. For my personal project I decided to write a story since it was something I always wanted to be an author when I was a kid. My goal is to write a story based on existing legends and reintroduce it into the modern world
I've never completed a story before, I've only done prompts occasionally so I would really enjoy finally finishing one especially one that I designed myself with my own interests and style added. I think this will be challenging because I've never actually finished a story, I’ve always simply added a mediocre ending and finished my stories halfway. My goal is a specific goal because I have a goal to finish my writing prompt and aim for a finished story. My goal is measurable because I want to write at least 10 pages in the final product. My goal is attainable because I'm planning on writing 10,000 for the final product. My goal is relatable as I will try to include social problems or human rights problems as a central part of my story. My goal is time bound as i will finish my story by February 10th, 2021. I feel like my project goes along the lines of personal and cultural expression as I've read mythology for a large portion of my life and it belongs to a cultural setting as well. I think this would be interesting because it could give a different perspective on our current world, ideals and cultures.
My personal experience with Mythology mostly comes from my Greek name that originated from my Croatian side.I feel like using the characters of old lore and making new things is very important to learn from the possibilities of these stories and their characters.I grew up reading many myths of Greek and Incan culture which come from my past. (My name is Greek and I am Peruvian) So I was always interested in these specific terms. The topic I wanna write about is Norse Mythology which is Mythology I have recently become interested about reading as i am am using a book as my main source of research
As my book relates to greek, norse and mayan mythology I brought together a few books and encyclopedias of these topics listed in my reference list.. Most of these sources utilize the most known myths of these specific cultures however occasionally i was able to find extremely lost or brief stories with characters i was able to polish a bit..
Mythology is a folklore genre consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society, such as foundational tales or origin myths. The main characters in myths are usually gods, demigods, or supernatural humans. Stories of everyday human beings, although often of leaders of some type, are usually contained in legends, as opposed to myths. I used in my story many already existing mythological characters like my protagonist Ixpiyacoc who is one of the oldest mayan gods and the divine grandfather of maya mythology. Another character Camazotz is also a mayan bat and he signifies death. I also briefly mentioned greek gods like Apollo, Nike and Zeus. I also mentioned their roman counterparts (Apollo, Victoria and Jupiter). The last mythology I mentioned was Norse and I mentioned Odin and Valhalla (The main norse god and the place where dead warriors go and fight each other until the end of the world). Most of my sources come from people who have lived in Greece, Mexico and Iceland and who have grown up with these characters and stories throughout their families and bloodlines.