Importance and history of drones
Min Jun Park
My goal for my personal project was to create a website that showed the history and importance of drones. My goal was challenging to me because I had to create an attractive website based on my research and knowledge about the topic.

About the project
The topic that was chosen was to show the importance and history of drones. This topic was chosen because drones are interesting and can be used in many ways that can be helpful. Drones connect with my interest as I use for entertainment. The goal for my personal project is to research and present the importance of drones through their history by making a website. My goal is challenging as I will add some footage and pictures that I take with my drone. Also because I have to investigate how people use drones and not only for taking videos. My goal is smart because it is specific, measurable, realistic, and challenging. It is specific because I described what I am going to do. It is measurable because I will finish the final presentation by January 30, 2021. It is realistic because I am able to make a presentation of drones. It is challenging because my presentation will have relevant information and pictures taken by me.
For this project, the global context that fits best is orientation in space and time because my project is about the importance of drones in society. Also because the project will show the history of drones, not how to create a drone,but about their importance. I have a drone and have used drones for entertainment. Some of the knowledge I had that was relevant for my project was that drones are being used in the military for some reasons. Also that drones were invented long ago. A skill that I need for the project and gained during school is how technology is used in society.
The source that was used for the investigation was a source from “business insider.” It is a trustworthy source because it proves every argument with evidence. This source was found on the internet and had a lot of useful information that could be helpful in my project. According to my research drones are used in the military for combat missions, research, and for supervision. A lot of money is being spent on drones for the military. According to my the research it is estimated that the military will spend around 70 billion dollars for drones in 2020. In the future drones are going to be used for almost anything such as transportation, delivery, storm tracking, and much more.