Daniel Hyunsu Kim
My goal is to make a booklet that explains some topics about economics and/or do a case study.

About the project
From my perspective, economics is a really important field of study as it studies how people behave and interact with production, consumption of goods and services, etc. Not only that, but studying economics guarantees you a better view of how life works. The personal project that I chose to do is a booklet explaining some interesting topics of economics. I selected economics because it is one of the subjects that I want to study when I’m older. And this is challenging for me because I still don't know too many things about economics. Also, I decided to do economics because in my perspective economics affects every aspect of our lives. My goal is to make a booklet that explains some topics about economics and/or do a case study. This is a smart goal because I am being very specific with what I am doing and it is very timely. I know what I am going to do and I am calculating my time correctly so that I can finish this project on time.
The global context that best relates with my goal is Globalization and Sustainability. They are related because the global context talks about how everything is connected and my goal has to do with explaining the connection of economics with different types of scenarios. For example, I can explain how economics relates with my daily life.
I went for economics not only because it is interesting but also because I have some knowledge about the topic, so that is one of my priorities. My prior learning is doing online research. Doing online research will help me achieve my personal project goal because it wouldn’t be useful to only use what I know because I still don’t know too many things about economics. So, I can do some online research in order to learn topics. Also, doing this will help me achieve my personal project goal because the internet is full of reliable sources, and the only thing I need to be aware of is fake information. When I get into many sources and the information provided are similar, it means that they are reliable. But if one of the sources says the opposite thing or it says something that makes no sense compared to other sources, then it means that it is fake. And in order to do my booklet I need to have math skills because economics uses many mathematical equations and terms, so I need to know those specific equations and terms in order to understand the topic and be able to explain it in my booklet. Also, I need to have good language skills because the whole purpose of my booklet is to explain, and I can’t explain with bad language skills.
For my initial research, I first searched for a general explanation about economics, because I need to explain in general terms what economics is in my introduction. According to Adam Hayes from Investopedia, “Economics is a social science that studies how individuals, organizations, businesses, companies and nations make choices about how to allocate resources.” Labor, Trade and Human Behavior: As in the “Principles of Economics” article wrote by BC Campus explains, Economics prove that it is more efficient for individuals or companies to “focus on specific types of labor and then trade to achieve other needs or wants, rather than trying to produce everything they need or want on their own.” Then I searched for a list of topics of economics, so that I can choose which topics to explain. My topics are Supply and Demand, Costs and Benefits, Marxism, Monetarism, big mac index, Market Socialism. And finally, I I chose Marxism, which addresses the problem of social classes. Upper, middle, lower class. Marxism explains a society with no classes, meaning that every person within the society works for a common good and there is no class struggle. I chose Marxism because it is interesting and easy to explain. I used sources like Investopedia and the School of Life to gather information.