Creating a video game
Luiz Fonseca
Learning how to code, using Unity software to create a video game in which the player plays in space

About the project
In this personal project, I will create a video game in which the player plays in space. This is my goal because I love space and the universe. Therefore, I think it would be interesting to create a game in which I could express that. This , however, is a challenging goal. This is due to the complexity and time creating video game demands. For this reason, I have structured my goal onto a SMART goal. Firstly, my goal is specific because I know that I want to create an adventure game in space. Secondly, my goal is measurable because I will have a clear finalized game as a final product. Thirdly, my goal is Attainable because I already have experience coding and because I have made a to-do list organizing my time. Fourthly, my goal is realistic because my game will not be a huge beautiful game, instead, it will be simple. Finally, my goal is timely because I have 6 months to complete it.
The global context associated with my project is Scientific and Technological innovation. This is because I hope to utilise the elements of this global context to express how fun and mysterious space really is. When I started this project, I had some knowledge that can help me in my personal project , for example: I followed a 10-step online YouTube course on how to make my first game on Unity made by youtuber Brackeys and it was called “How to make a game” . I finished this course and I added elements of my own in that simple game. Additionally, I figured out how to make my game available to download on my own website. This prior learning that I possess will help me in my personal project because I want to create a Space Game, I have already thought how I want my game to be and by following the Unity course I am able to use that platform to create my game. To complete my project, I need to use more tutorials on YouTube to expand my knowledge about unity and apply it to my game. Additionally, Prior learning I possess from MYP subject skills that can help me in my personal project is the following: Trigonometry, Geometry, Algebra, 3D modeling, Coding, Art Basics, Design, and Inorganic Nomenclature. These skills will help me in the following ways: Trigonometry, Algebra, and Geometry will help me visualize space and the dimensions of my objects with precision and clarity. 3D modeling will help me modeling my objects. Coding will help me program my game. Art and Design will help me make the art and user interface for my game. Finally, Nomenclature will help me by giving me the ability to utilize correct scientific terms.
I have done initial research so I am able to create my project. Therefore, after analyzing many options, I decided to use the Unity Engine to create my game. Unity is a popular free game making software, it is widely used within the development community. This is because Unity is the most famous game engine on Youtube. This means that there are many more tutorials and classes available to me. Additionally, I like the Unity Engine because it is relatively easy to understand and I find it way easier than UE4 or Unreal Engine 4.