Covid prevention door
Pablo Salazar
To design a robot that can detect if you are using a mask, or not, and if not I will not let you enter closed public places.

About the project
My goal is to design a robot that can detect if you are using a mask, or not, and if not I will not let you enter closed public places, and the purpose is to force people to use more masks.
This is challenging for me because, I have to design it in Tinkercad, which I know how to use it but, I will need to do an exact hole for the components, and I will need to see how will the design will work together, thanks to that I only learned to use Tinkercad with the base shapes, I will need to use the more difficult ones.
My goal is SMART because:
Specify: I will design a robot with the functionality of giving, and detecting people masks, If they don’t accept or don’t have a mask, the robot will do everything in power to stop the people entering the place, until they have a mask. I will do it in the page called tinker cad, then I will present it in a video, where I will present its functionalities and how it works.
Measure: I will design a robot in Tinkercad with the functionality to prevent people to go inside to places without a mask, then I will record a 15 minute video which I will explain the design of the robot and how it works, that video will be shown to other people so I can get feedback and improve my design.
Attainable: I will interview my uncle who is an expert in this subject so I can know if my design will malfunction or if I should improve something, then I will interview friends of mine for the design and to see what I can improve or take out.
Relevant: Making a design for a robot that will force people who do not want to use masks in closed places, to use one and start making them think that masks are for protecting others not yourself.
Timely: The design will be completely finished on January 15th of 2021.
The global context that relates best to my personal project is Fairness and Development:making people who doesn’t takes the responsibility of using a mask, to use one by denning the entrance to closed public places: my project fits better in this category because people have the right to protect themselves with masks and the responsibility to protect others with using a mask, some people doesn’t do this responsibility, so I will make a design of a robot that will deny the entry to close public places to people that aren’t using a mask. So, they will be forced to do their responsibilities. And that is why my project fits better in this global context.
The Prior knowledge that I had relevant to my project is that I learned how to fuse 3d elements in tinkercad, I learned how to model things by using hole blocks in normal 3d shapes, and fusing them will show me how the model is taking form, I learned what shapes could be printed or not, I learned how to make to 3d shapes be able to join, and all this will help me design first the model of my project, next fuse together the parts and finally to join the parts as if they were a puzzle.
The Subject specific knowledge that is relevant to my project is in the Language that will be used in the project so the design can inform to the person what he has to do, and what he is doing wrong, I will also use language to present my project to my supervisors, I will design only the model of the robot which it will be my project, and I need design the functionalities and characteristics of the model.
Now that I have my project in my mind and the product, I will research similar products and compare them to mine, and with that ideas I will improve my model.
SoftBank Robotics is a company that their market is to produce and manufacture friendly robots which people could interact with them, their current product is the Pepper robot, is a robot design to interact with us and to act such as a friend, but the catch is that it is reprogrammable, so with all of the pandemic they made the cameras of the robot “Perception modules” to of instead of only recognizing faces to recognize if you are using a mask or not which this is useful, and when it detects that you aren’t using a mask, it will make you use one.
What I could use: from Pepper robot I could use the camera used in the robot to recognize people, the “Perception modules” could work great in my product, thanks to that they are designed to recognize faces, it will be great to put this camera in my product, so it will be able to recognize if someone has a mask or not, and if not give them one.
I could not find any product like mine but I know what other components I can use.
My product will have a tray which will be holding the masks, and the tray will be a weight sensor, which will calculate the weight of each mask that the tray has, and when it detects someone without a mask, it will have some motors at the sides so the tray can go out and display the masks, and when the tray feels 24.9g less, it will open the doors for the person, signifying that they are using a mask.
Motor name: IE3
Weight sensor: PCS
My product will have a refill of masks, when the weight sensor, gets to 0, another tray with loaded masks will come from the back of the machine and will bring the masks, for that the track will be a 1m of long, and they will be a machine full with masks, that has a camera on the tip of it, so the tray will have a QR code, that will be displayed when it is empty, and when the camera detects the QR code it will dispense the mask to the tray, the tray will wait there until the other tray empties, when do, it will move the full tray to the display and will make the empty tray go behind.
Camera: Sq23
Lastly but not least, it will have a display that will be used to show if you are good to go, or if you need to get a mask from the tray, when the perspective modules detects someone with mask it will first display a text that can be choose by the owner of the product, but when it detects someone without a mask it will display denied access, please grave a mask, then the tray will be in display, and when the weight sensor detects -24.9g, it will let the person pass.
Display: 12 inches ACTIA MX