Art and mental health
Ana Lucia Morales
To spread awareness of mental health using my art through my social media platform

About the project
My main goal for my personal project is to spread awareness of mental health using my art through my social media platform. What's challenging me right now is finding an idea of what exactly to draw that expresses perfectly what I want to share but at the same time being a drawing that won't trigger someone. This topic is important because the topic of mental health is avoided and people always feel uncomfortable when mentioned so the goal is by spreading awareness and this also would normalize it making it easier for people who struggle to talk about their issues and to open up and get the help they need. This topic is important to me because I have lots of relatives, and friends who struggle but can't come out to talk about it to even get help from their parents or people around them see it as something wrong when in reality there is nothing wrong with talking about how you feel and getting healthy.
I know my goal is a smart goal because first of all it is really specific. My goal is to make at least 3 drawings that reach more than 15 people in social media. I would be posting the drawing in my instagram art account and based on the likes it receives I will know a specific amount of people who saw the drawing and perhaps had a positive impact on them, this means it's measurable. Also I would be asking questions to my therapist about each topic of the drawing that I’ll be doing to make sure everything is ok and does accomplish its purpose. And also the reason why its relevant is because it's important to -Give people a visual representation of what mental health is and how it feels like so they have a better understanding and perspective about it instead of seeing it as something wrong and negative that can be easily control because in reality mental health s not something the person chooses to turn off sand on whenever they want, no instead is something you can really control but you can help it by taking care of yourself mentally. Also I got it under a specific time by the 12th of November I should have the 3 drawings.
Then my personal project relates to a global context which I believe the global context that best identifies with my project and goal is Identities and Relationships. I identify this as the global context of my project and goal because my main goal is to spread awareness in mental health and through that I will be doing it by art which in order to do that my identity is playing a mayor part on this because I myself know what mental health feels like which helps me do better into giving more emotion and true feeling into the drawing/paintings, I also will be discussing the importance of mental health in the section of comments and this will be seen in my art community which I am part of in social media in my art account.
In order to do this project I used my prior knowledge which were self taught art techniques such as how to use watercolor paint, acrylics paints, oils paints, and pencil.I know how to make an instagram art account go viral,this will help me get the painting/drawings more views meaning that I would be spreading the message to a bunch of people and my goal would be accomplished in spreading awareness.
The subjects I have learned in school that will be helpful are Civics and Ethics taught me the importance of putting light into situations by having background research, evidence, valid sources, basically anything to prove my point.
This can help me because like this I can have more concrete work, valid sources, evidence to all my information and basically a good strong structure to show my work.