How does music affect us?
Sophia Martinez
How different types of music affects different areas of the brain? I noticed that my mood changes depending on what type of music I was listening to.

About the project
I chose to investigate how different types of music affects different areas of the brain because I notice that my mood changes depending on what type of music I was listening to. For example, when I want to be happy I put on POP music, when I’m stressed and anxious, I prefer listening to loud Rock music for a while and then I calm down. And when I’m sad I prefer sad music. One day, looking for music for studying, I found that the music was classic and calmer.
I also noticed that this also happens to my family and friends, so I thought that there has to be a relationship between people’s mood and different types of music, so I decided to investigate it.
I started searching on the internet because it’s the world's window, and there are a lot of scientific websites, documents, etc.. about my topic. I searched about different types of music, I also researched about the different parts of the brain that controls the emotions and thoughts. From all the information I found I selected the ones that I could understand, so I did another search for articles that were written for “young people” like me. And I also found videos of specialists in the subject.
What I learned while doing my investigation is that at first, I needed to observe the world around me and inside me, and I chose this topic because I observed that not only me, but my friends and family experienced a similar mood reaction to different types of music.
I also learned that by searching the internet, I could find much more information about the subject that I can imagine. I also discovered that there is a lot more to learn about the function of the brain, because the brain can change depending on the music that is playing. I also learned that the brain can do a better job and balance the mood with a certain type of music, and that's why we like to play different music according to our mood. Also, I learned that choosing different types of music we can achieve certain desired moods.